W9 Professional Youth Academy.
The W9 (Nexus) Professional Youth Academy program is for young soccer players between the ages of 6 and 11 who are ready to improve their skills in a professional, friendly, and competitive environment. The goal of the Academy program is to teach people the skills they need to perform at the highest levels. The curriculum of the academy training program adheres to the principles of the W9 Soccer Developmental System.

W9 Soccer Camps and Clinics.
The W9 Personal Development Program is designed to make better, more confident soccer players. We evaluate players needs then give them personalized technical and tactical training. We also provide them with a self-training program by way of weekly homework assignments.
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W9 Personal Developmental Program.
The W9 Personal Development Program is designed to make better, more confident soccer players. We evaluate players needs then give them personalized technical and tactical training. We also provide them with a self-training program by way of weekly homework assignments.
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Synergy Sports Science.
The goal of Synergy is to offer a sport science platform for providing and tracking performance improvement that enables athletes to attain their full potential.
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W9 Soccer 3 v 3 Leauge.
The W9 Soccer 3V3 League is designed to give participants the chance to improve their player development and raise their level of game awareness. Players can learn movement with and without the ball, screening action, individual and team defense, offensive spacing, patterns, and read and react with the help of the W9 Soccer 3v3 League.

W9 Soccer Coaching Education.
Discover the player development framework, standardized approach, criteria, and drills of the W9 Soccer System. With the W9 Soccer "Nine Pillars of Mastery" player development curriculum, you will learn how to create soccer players who are capable, skilled, and intelligent.